personal injury damages

What Types of Damages Are Available in a Georgia Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If you have been involved in a personal injury accident in Georgia caused by someone else’s careless, reckless, or intentional behavior, you may be eligible for compensation for the harm and losses you have suffered. However, many people do not actually know what these damages entail and what they can expect to recover. That is…

personal injury attorney

What Should You Look for in a Georgia Personal Injury Attorney?

While finding a personal injury attorney in Georgia is a relatively straightforward process, ensuring the lawyer is a good fit for you and your case takes some effort.  This means that rather than hiring the first Georgia personal injury attorney that shows up in your Google search results, take into account the following factors when…

injury demand letter

Demand Letters: A Basic Overview of What They Are and How They Impact Your Legal Claim

When filing a legal claim in Georgia, demand letters play a critical role. If you have an issue or dispute that needs resolution, your attorney can send a demand letter, which will clearly outline the basis of your claim, the financial compensation or recovery that you seek, and other relevant details about your case. But…

personal injury accident

Can You Trust the Insurance Company After a Georgia Personal Injury Accident?

After an accident caused by someone else’s wrongful actions, many people expect the insurance company to assist them in obtaining the necessary funds and receiving the benefits they are entitled to. Unfortunately, this is not how these companies operate. To better help you understand the games the insurance companies like to play, in the below…

car crash

Can You Sue the Government Following a Georgia Accident?

If you are considering taking legal action against the government for damages incurred in an accident in Georgia, there are specific prerequisites that must first be fulfilled. In the below guide, we will go over these requirements and provide a comprehensive explanation of whether you have the right to sue an agency after an accident…