slip and fall

How Long Do You Have To Bring Legal Action After a Slip and Fall Accident in Georgia?

In Georgia, the statute of limitations refers to the specific time period during which an individual must exercise their legal rights, or else they will lose the ability to take legal action. Typically, the statute of limitations in Georgia is two years, but some situations may affect this timeline. In the post below, we will…

car accident

What Financial Recovery Can You Pursue After a Georgia Car Accident?

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a distressing event, resulting in emotional trauma, significant injuries, and financial problems, including a loss of income because of the inability to work. However, if you suffered harm in a Georgia motor vehicle accident, you may have legal options you can pursue and financial remedies you…

personal injury guide

What is Considered a Personal Injury? A Guide for Understanding Your Rights

While accidents can occur anywhere, sometimes, they result in more than just a cut or a bruise. Depending on the circumstances, these accidents can lead to severe injuries and costly outcomes. If you have suffered an injury due to the wrongful actions of another, you may have numerous questions and concerns about what you need…

car accident

Can I Be Compensated for Pre-Existing Conditions After a Motor Vehicle Accident in Georgia?

Although it can be challenging to recover financially from a car accident when you have pre-existing conditions, under the laws in Georgia, these conditions will not prevent you from pursuing the compensation you deserve. This is because, in Georgia, the liable party is accountable for compensating the person they injured in an accident. As a…

personal injury claims

Georgia’s Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims: Time Limits and Exceptions

The statute of limitations is a law that sets a time limit for bringing legal proceedings, whether civil or criminal, following an alleged offense. If individuals do not bring their claim within the allotted period, the court can prevent them from seeking compensation and justice. That is why understanding Georgia’s statute of limitations for personal…