The Type of Accidents That Can Result From Drug-Impaired Driving 

The Type of Accidents That Can Result From Drug-Impaired Driving 

The effects of alcohol on human physiology are thoroughly documented, yet comprehensive studies on the effects of most drugs remain sparse. This gap in knowledge makes addressing the legal challenges associated with drugged driving more complex. Nonetheless, individuals need to recognize that operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs presents a serious risk….

How Long Do You Have To File a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia?

How Long Do You Have To File a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia?

If you have sustained physical injuries due to another person’s negligence or reckless actions, you may qualify for compensation. While securing immediate medical treatment for your injuries should be your top priority to safeguard your health, it’s crucial to be aware of the time limit for filing your legal claim. Each state, including Georgia, has…

Brain scan with gavel and money over it

Do You Have To Pay Taxes on a Personal Injury Settlement in Georgia?

In Georgia, personal injury settlements are typically tax-exempt, which means that most compensation for physical injuries is free from state taxes. However, there are important exceptions to this rule.  Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable?  Settlements are generally considered tax-free under certain conditions. Specifically, if they involve compensation for physical harm or sickness, they are typically…

Person holding their neck after a car accident

Do You Need an Attorney Following a Personal Injury Accident?

After a personal injury accident, seeking legal advice from a personal injury lawyer can be crucial. These legal professionals can provide valuable insights into your rights and responsibilities, helping you understand complicated legal and insurance issues. This assistance becomes especially important if your injuries stem from someone else’s negligence or misconduct. In such cases, you…